[EBB Sightings] White Pelicans in Berkeley

[EBB Sightings] White Pelicans in Berkeley

Michael Farrell
Thu May 07 17:45:22 PDT 2009
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    My name is Mike Farrell, and while I am an occasional birder,  
    watching birds has given me much pleasure for many years.
    Yesterday my wife and I saw a flight of 15 White Pelicans in a V,  
    ~300'  above the intersection of Oxford and Vine, just two blocks up  
    from the commercial district in north Berkeley.
    They wheeled in a few lazy circles then flew off in the general  
    direction of Memorial Stadium.
    I've seen them in this area before, but much higher, riding the lift  
    above Cordornices Creek canyon.
    Perhaps they were off to try their luck over Strawberry Canyon.
    Pleased to meet you,
    Mike Farrell

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