[EBB Sightings] Sycamore Grove, Murietta's Well and Mines Road

[EBB Sightings] Sycamore Grove, Murietta's Well and Mines Road

Hugh and Rosita Harvey
Wed May 27 19:09:07 PDT 2009
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    Today the Mt. Diablo Audubon Society had a field trip to Sycamore Grove Park 
    in south Livermore.  It became warm early, but we walked from the VA 
    Hospital to beyond some olive orchards to the north.  We saw many of the 
    expected birds like the Bushtit and Titmouse families.  We even had a couple 
    of Brown Creepers, Western Tanagers and a Warbling Vireo.
    Our next stop was to see 4 Barn Owls in the tank tower structure on Vintage 
    Avenue, then we continued to Murietta's Well for lunch.  No Kingbirds of any 
    species were heard or seen, but we did have two Great Horned Owls in the 
    nest tree.  Also here at midday were Wild Turkeys, California Quail, a 
    couple of Yellow-billed Magpies and a vocal American Kestrel.
    We made a quick run to MP 6.2 on Mines Road and about 1-1:15 PM we had one 
    male and female Phainopepla and possibly another male.  This gave us a total 
    of only 44 species on a very warm day.
    Hugh B. Harvey
    Walnut Creek 

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