[EBB Sightings] immature white-crowned sparrows

[EBB Sightings] immature white-crowned sparrows

Rusty Scalf
Mon May 25 18:30:45 PDT 2009
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    Hello Phila,
    I tried Ochard Supply Hardware first, and heard a singing adult but saw no young ones.
    Next I went to the Emeryville Amtrak Station. Ideal Nuttali habitat: Asphalt parking lots, large commercial buildings bordered by strip lawns and landscaping. As I drove up I could hear Nuttali song echoing through the street canyons (uplifting, like Canyon Wrens at Zion). Within 30 seconds of exiting my car, I spotted a juvenile Nuttali White-crown.
    The crown was dark brown with a very thin, cream colored median stripe. I'd liken the crown to Clay-colored Sparrow.
    The brown eye stripe was pencil thin, and there was a noticeable brown auricular outline.
    The upper breast and flanks were densely brown streaked; I mean, as dense as a Lincoln's Sparrow but the streaks much more contrasting. The bird gave me ~20 seconds then flew off.
      Rusty Scalf
    --- On Sat, 5/23/09, Phila Rogers  wrote:
    > From: Phila Rogers 
    > Subject: [EBB Sightings] immature white-crowned sparrows
    > To: "audubon  mt.diablo" 
    > Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009, 9:25 AM
    > Dear Birders:
    > I am puzzled by the several fledglings I reported yesterday
    > in front of OSH on Ashby Avenue in Berkeley.? I have
    > observed White-crowns in immature plumage before and
    > remember that their head markings are in shades of
    > brown.? That observation was confirmed this morning
    > when the I read more about the species on Birds of North
    > America Online (a good way to spend a cold and foggy
    > morning).
    > The fledglings I saw yesterday were distinguished by a
    > single bright white line down the center of the head.?
    > I could see them well because they were only a few feet
    > away.? Were these markings unusual?
    > I encourage better birders than me to find a reason to go
    > to OSH today as I think the birds will still be in the
    > vicinity.
    > Phila Rogers
    > ? ? ? 
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