[EBB Sightings] American Crow Leapfrogging Canada Goose

[EBB Sightings] American Crow Leapfrogging Canada Goose

Hilary Powers
Mon Apr 06 13:59:25 PDT 2009
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    	<4D6A371677654378B85A57385C19D8EE at ownerb84886c7a>
    Gulls do the shell-drop thing all the time.... But if the crows are 
    timing their walnut-release to take advantage of your car as a 
    nutcracker, that's a whole new realm of avian expertise....
    Re Tom Condit's
    >> Gulls use this technique to crack clam and mussel shells all the
    >> time. That's why you'll find fragments of shell lying around on
    >> pavement (sidewalks, golf cart paths, etc.) near coastal waters.
    Bob Hislop wrote:
     > Thanks!  I wasn't aware of that being a common behaviour.
    (earlier message:
    >>> I haven't observed this kind of behavior, however I have observed
    >>> a fairly creative behavior in (at least) one individual involving
    >>> cracking walnuts. We have a walnut tree in our back yard, and
    >>> every year a crow will come by, pick up a walnut off the ground,
    >>> then fly it over the house and land on a power line over the
    >>> street. After resting for a few moments on the line the crow will
    >>> then fly upward (gaining altitude) and drop the walnut on the 
    >>> street (trying to crack the shell). I have observed this creative
    >>>  behavior several times, especially as I'm backing my car out of
    >>> the driveway; and I'm wondering if this intelligent bird is
    >>> timing this behavior so as to allow my car to run over and crack
    >>> the nut!!  I can't imagine any other bird species being this
    >>> creative.
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