[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Collared-Dove at Garretson Point, MLK Regional Park, Oakland

[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Collared-Dove at Garretson Point, MLK Regional Park, Oakland

Mon Mar 02 11:09:45 PST 2009
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    Greetings EBB'ers,  27  Feb.'09
    On Thursday, 26 February 2009, at 11:30 am I found an Eurasian  Collared-Dove 
    at the base of the ramp leading to the observation deck above  Arrowhead 
    Marsh near the last parking area (off Swan Way) for Martin Luther King  Regional 
    Park, Oakland, ALA Co.  Several members of my FLATLANDERS  Walking Class also 
    saw it fly off the grass and over a large Myoporum shrub  and disappear 
    (possibly within the plant, which was at the edge of the parking  lot).
    Other birds found on our counter clockwise loop (West > South  > East > North 
    from the bridges) included:
    Canada Goose  ((30+)
    American Wigeon (30)
    Mallard (6+)
    Northern Shoveler  (20+)
    Canvasback (2)
    Lesser Scaup (50+)
    Surf Scoter (1)
    Bufflehead  (10 +/-)
    Common Goldeneye (10+/-)
    Horned and Eared Grebes
    Brown Pelican  (1)
    Snowy Egret (8)
    Turkey Vulture (2)
    Clapper Rail (7-8)(incl. 2-3  calling along shore of San Leandro Creek 
    American Coot  (20+)
    Killdeer (h=heard only)
    Black-necked Stilt (15)
    American Avocet  (4)
    Willet (80 +/-)
    Long-billed Curlew (10+)
    Marbled Godwit (60  +/-)
    Dowitcher sp. (15 +/-)
    Ring-billed Gull (2+)
    Calif. Gull  (10+/-)
    Western Gull (1)
    Glaucous-winged Gull (1)
    EURASIAN  COLLARED-DOVE (Rare - early invasion?)
    Anna's Hummingbird (4)
    Black Phoebe  (2)
    American Crow (10+)
    Tree Swallow (Flock - 10)
    Bushtit  (4)
    WESTERN BLUEBIRD (Rare here -1f.)
    American Robin (1+h)
    Northern  Mockingbird (h)
    European Starling (3)
    Cedar Waxwing (Flock -  35+/-)
    Yellow-rumped ("Audubon's") Warbler (h)
    Savannah Sparrow  (5+)
    Song Sparrow (3)
    White-crowned Sparrow (10+)
    Note: Golden  Eagle (sub-adult) - 73rd Ave., 2+/-mi.east of Hegenberger 
    Rd.,12 Noon; circling  at 600 - 700 ft. > soared toward MLK RP (Calif. Ground  
    Happy Birding,
    Phil Gordon
    Hayward , ALA  Co.  
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