[EBB Sightings] Cormorants and Grebes - Party Dress at Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Cormorants and Grebes - Party Dress at Lake Merritt

Hilary Powers
Mon Mar 23 18:00:58 PDT 2009
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    Wandered down to Lake Merritt this afternoon to check things out for 
    Wednesday's GGAS walk, and found that the Double-crested Cormorants are 
    back in business at the same old stand. Not quite so many, as we've lost 
    a couple of trees, but the ones with space are as keen as ever. And 
    they've got their bunny-ear crests, which have to be one of the 
    shortest-lived features ever to appear in a bird's name.
    The Clark's and Western Grebes are courting, and I saw a Horned Grebe 
    almost all the way into breeding plumage, and a couple of Eared Grebes 
    well started. And some of the Ruddy Ducks are really, really ruddy....
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