[EBB Sightings] Call for papers: Western Field Ornithologists' September 2009 meeting

[EBB Sightings] Call for papers: Western Field Ornithologists' September 2009 meeting

Dave Quady
Sat Mar 21 13:22:48 PDT 2009
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    Hi, Birders:
    Western Field Ornithologists' 34th annual meeting will be held in  
    Boise, Idaho, September 10-14, 2009.  Papers are now being solicited  
    for presentation at the meeting.
    As in past years, papers should reflect original research or  
    summarize existing unpublished information about birds in western  
    North America, including YOUR area.  The papers should be presented  
    in a manner that will be of interest to serious amateur and  
    professional field ornithologists.  Fifteen minutes is allotted for  
    each presentation, with a few more minutes allotted to questions from  
    and discussion with the audience -- a hallmark of WFO meetings.
    Talks relating to the following themes are solicited:
    ? Status, distribution, migration, and population dynamics of birds
    ? Systematics and biogeography of birds
    ? Ecology, behavior, and evolution of birds
    ? New information on avian field identification problems
    ? Descriptive field identification
    ? Science-based conservation and management of birds
    ? Techniques for field study of birds, including censusing,  
    monitoring, and other methods; and results of studies applying such  
    Abstracts are being accepted NOW.  Abstracts must be in a specific  
    format, which you can read at
    Abstracts will be reviewed, and program time awarded, in the order  
    that abstracts are received.
    Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this Call.  If for  
    any reason you cannot read the pdf mentioned above, contact me and  
    I'll paste it into a return message.
    More information about the Boise meeting will soon be posted at
    and you can join WFO at
    See you in Boise!
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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