[EBB Sightings] Orioles Return

[EBB Sightings] Orioles Return

Charles Woodrum
Wed Mar 18 19:59:44 PDT 2009
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    Male Hooded and Bullock's Orioles have returned creek side, Coyote Creek
    Trail north of highway 237.  Both were spotted this evening near the abandon
    farm house just north of the Cisco buildings.  These are first of year
    sightings for both. Both species have nested in that area for 3 consecutive
    years.  The Hooded Oriole hangs out in the dead frawns on the palm trees in
    the farmhouse yard.  The Bullock's oriole tends to be in the shrubs nearer
    the creek, but will also appear in the trees in the farmhouse yard.  Nests
    from previous years are evident in the area.
    Northern Flickers, crowned sparrows and Yellow-rump Warblers are still
    around.  Violet-green, Northern rough-wing and Tree swallows returned last
    week.  Song sparrows are getting louder and braver.  The Red-shoulder Hawks
    and White- tailed Kites have paired up and are building nests in the area.
    The Red-tails seem to have moved further north along the trail.  Merlin's,
    Cooper's Hawks and American Kestrels have been seen in the area through the
    past week.
    Chuck Woodrum
    Fremont 94539

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