[EBB Sightings] Brown Thrasher at Coyote Hills

[EBB Sightings] Brown Thrasher at Coyote Hills

Stephen Long
Wed Feb 18 15:23:24 PST 2009
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    Sorry for the late posting, but I just found out that one of the 
    sections of the Vertebrate Natural History class at U.C. Berkeley 
    found a BROWN THRASHER at Coyote Hills Regional Park at about 8:30 AM 
    on Friday, 13 February.  The initial sighting was made by one of the 
    PostDocs leading the trip, Dr. Lauryn Benedict.  She has extensive 
    experience with North American mimids.
    The bird was just up the hill from the first big parking lot inside 
    the gate, the so-called Quarry Staging Area.  It perched on a short 
    conifer for a minute or so -- long enough for Lauryn to get a scope 
    on it, and show each of the ten students the bird.
    Lauryn also took another section of the class to Coyote Hills on 
    Saturday.  She looked for the thrasher on Saturday, but did not find 
    Stephen M. Long
    Assistant to the Director
    Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
    3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA     94720-3160
    Telephone: 1-510-642-8299
    Telefax: 1-510-643-8238

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