[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Sunday 1/11/09

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Sunday 1/11/09

Sun Jan 11 23:38:52 PST 2009
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    Golden Gate Audubon field trip this morning was greeted by perfect weather and a great variety of birds. Hoot Hollow provided 2 varied thrushes, 2 hermit thrushes and 2 fox sparrows first thing. Many ducks were seen in the North Marsh. A rock wren was seen at Lizard Rock and also at the rocks uphill (east) from the visitor's center. The shrike and the Say's phoebe were in the same scope view in the dry flats below Lizard Rock. We lucked out on the golden eagle (seen at the Quarry parking lot) being harrassed by a kestrel!? There were seven participants.
    If you are going to look at ducks, I highly recommend bringing scopes.
    The List:
    pied-billed grebe
    great egret
    black-crowned night heron
    Canada goose
    green-winged teal
    northern pintail
    cinnamon teal
    northern shoveler
    American wigeon
    greater scaup
    common goldeneye
    ruddy duck
    turkey vulture
    white-tailed kite
    northern harrier
    red-tailed hawk
    golden eagle
    American kestrel
    American coot
    greater yellowlegs
    ring-billed gull
    mourning dove
    Anna's hummigbird
    northern flicker
    Bewick's wren
    marsh wren
    rock wren
    ruby-croiwned kinglet
    hermit thrush
    American robin
    varied thrush
    black phoebe
    Say's phoebe
    westeern scrub jay
    common raven
    northern mockingbird
    loggerhead shrike
    European starling 
    Hutton's vireo
    yellow-rumped warbler
    spotted towhee
    California towhee
    fox sparrow
    song sparrow
    golden-crowned sparrow
    white-crowned sparrow
    dark0eyed junco
    western meadowlark
    house finch
    Great birding!
    Anne Hoff

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