[EBB Sightings] Bittern, Peregrine, Ross Geese, Sora in Fremon

[EBB Sightings] Bittern, Peregrine, Ross Geese, Sora in Fremon

Wed Dec 03 10:51:24 PST 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Lake Elizabeth- Bittern, Sora, Ross's Geese, Cackling Geese
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] East Contra Cjosta County

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    Today (12/2) the American Bittern was out in full view at Fremont's Central 
    Park, in the "New Marsh"   pond, where it has been seen lately.   We actually 
    left (after about 20 mins. of viewing) while it was still in full view, because 
    I wanted to take the students to see the 2 Ross Geese.   [It's too bad the 
    photographers were not there today as the Bittern was in full view.   We even 
    saw it catch something tiny. We saw it's long, thin, black tongue at least 3 
    times.]   The Ross Geese were where they have been, in the soccer fields between 
    the "tennis court parking lot" and the ball fields, in a crowd of Canada 
    Geese. The Bittern was again on the east side of the New Marsh, but was south of 
    earlier reports.   When we stood   on the top of the mound on the west side of 
    the pond, it was in line   with a small building in the golf course east of the 
    pond.   We also saw a Sora fly across the mud area of the pond.   It had been 
    calling today and yesterday.   The Loggerhead Shrike was near the pond, on 
    bare trees.   Yesterday I saw a Peregrine at Central Park.
    Alice Hoch & class
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