[EBB Sightings] American Bittern (Contra Costa edition)

[EBB Sightings] American Bittern (Contra Costa edition)

Jeff Hoppes
Mon Dec 01 17:14:27 PST 2008
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    Today I braved the fog to follow up on the Schorrs' report from Contra
    Loma yesterday.
    The west end of Contra Loma Reservoir held two Soras (which were very
    cooperative) and a Virginia Rail (which was not: a brief glimpse fleeing
    into the cattails). I found just one snipe and no teal of either color.
    I stopped at Antioch Municipal Reservoir (corner of Golf Course Road and
    Lone Tree) on the way home hoping that the teal had switched lakes. While
    the only unusual duck was a solitary male shoveler, I was rewarded with an
    American Bittern stalking the fringes of the island in the middle of the
    lake. A scope would be necessary if the bird remains at the distance it
    was today.
     Good birding,
     Jeff Hoppes
     El Cerrito
    > Today after lunch and after the fog lifted we birded at Contra Loma
    > Regional Park, and in addition to the usual suspects we had excellent
    > views of the following birds:
    > Blue-winged Teal - 3
    > Green-winged Teal - 8
    > Northern Shoveler - 10
    > Gadwall - 1
    > Wilson's Snipe - 2
    > Sora - 1
    > Virginia Rail - 1
    > Interestingly, the Sora and Virginia Rail were side by side out in
    > the open while feeding in a shallow muddy inlet.
    > Good birding,
    > Paul and Nancy Schorr, Antioch

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