[EBB Sightings] 9 wilson's snipes at Garretson Point

[EBB Sightings] 9 wilson's snipes at Garretson Point

Wen Hsu
Mon Nov 17 13:46:43 PST 2008
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    Monday at noon, with a scope and careful counting, I saw 9 Wilson's  
    Snipes at the north end of the pond described earlier by Phila Rogers  
    at Garretson Point.
    The best spot to find them is from the paved trail parallel to the  
    channel, before reaching the interpretation sign.
    They were well hidden in a linear grassy patch, to the left of a large  
    rock in the water, very close to the trail.
    This same spot was pointed out to me by PRBO bird census people on  
    Saturday. We saw 3 snipes that day.
    And Peter, a birder who works nearby and comes birding regularly, said  
    that the water of the pond came from a broken pipe that started  
    leaking three weeks ago.
    Wen Hsu

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