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As part of the Audubon California, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory and PRBO San Francisco Bay Shorebird count, David Loeb, Steve Haller and I covered Frank's Dump on the Hayward Shoreline. During the high tide we had over 14,000 shorebirds roosting and feeding in the pond at Frank's Dump, including: 4,300 Marbled Godwit, 4,050 Western Sandpiper, 3,262 Dunlin, 1,463 Willet, 512 American Avocet, 245 Black-bellied Plover, 155 Long-billed Curlew, 144 Black-necked Stilt, 210 Least Sandpiper, 400 Dowitchers (20+ confirmed Short-billed Dowitchers based on voice) and small numbers of other shorebirds, including Black and Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, and Red Knot. I am sure we missed a few other species as we were doing our best to count a spectacular shorebird roost. Thanks to Peter Dramer for his help with access to the shoreline.
Graham Chisholm
Audubon California
Berkeley, CA
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