[EBB Sightings] Grebe still in Berkeley

[EBB Sightings] Grebe still in Berkeley

Alan Howe
Tue Nov 25 00:06:26 PST 2008
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    Hi, all.
       The red-necked grebe was in it's reported spot--just north of the Berkeley Pier just a little ways out--around 2:30 this afternoon. It was engaging in some leisurely foraging--well, diving--and came close enough for some really good looks a few times.
       It was pretty quiet in general around the pier--a few common loons, double-crested cormorants, buffleheads and scaups were scattered around, mostly on the south side. One Heerman's gull perched near the sundial before taking off when some children arrived.
       Pt Emery had a number of shorebirds, including a couple of long-billed curlews and whimbrels. Between the point and Chevy's, there was a raft of what looked like ruddies and scaup.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland

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