[EBB Sightings] Hayward and Arrowhead Birds

[EBB Sightings] Hayward and Arrowhead Birds

Hugh Harvey
Fri Oct 17 17:39:33 PDT 2008
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    Today Steve Buffi and I tried for the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper at Frank's Dump 
    West.  It didn't work for us, as it hadn't worked for some others who were 
    there.  Steve and I left around 12:30ish.  It may have been found later.
    We checked Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland and had a couple of  Clapper Rails 
    just west of the little boardwalk.  Four Greater White-fronted Geese were 
    mixed in with some Canada Geese on the lawn.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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