[EBB Sightings] Female Redhead joins the notables at Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Female Redhead joins the notables at Lake Merritt

Hilary Powers
Wed Oct 29 15:21:49 PDT 2008
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    Just now, I saw most of the special visitors we've discussed in the past 
    couple of years: the queenfisher, the Tufted Duck, the Ring-necked Duck, 
    and the female Redhead, all near the nature center at Lake Merritt. 
    Along with lots of the usual suspects - scaup and Canvasbacks and grebes 
    and coots and cormorants and Ruddy Ducks, and even a couple of terns way 
    out on the floats.....
    The Mute Swan that Glen reported was hanging out in the bird paddock, 
    and I asked the staff about him. The folks in the office said that as 
    far as they know he arrived under his own power - just showed up a few 
    days ago and settled in. This is the first swan I've seen on the lake in 
    the 17 years I've lived in the area.
    The goldeneyes and their relative are the main group still missing.
    On the lawn in the park along Perkins, more Cedar Waxwings than I could 
    comfortably count were hopping around, along with several robins.
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