[EBB Sightings] Sooty Fox Sparrow in the dust

[EBB Sightings] Sooty Fox Sparrow in the dust

debbie viess
Thu Oct 23 07:50:21 PDT 2008
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    Saw a couple of dark-backed, rusty-tailed fox sparrows at Huckleberry Preserve yesterday. Also some small mammalian type flowing just under the duff layer along a trailside tangle of sword fern. Try as I might, I never got a glimpse of the critter making all the crunchy-leaved fuss.
    Another mystery for another day.
    Debbie Viess
    ps the gang of Sibley/Huckleberry ravens have pretty much taken over the territory atop Round Top, the resident Sibley eagles' preferred perch. The eagles may have moved a bit more inland for now...I actually saw a red-tail perched up there the other day, an unheard of raptorial faux pas when the reigning eagles are around. 

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