[EBB Sightings] The past week in Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek

[EBB Sightings] The past week in Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek

Hugh Harvey
Mon Sep 22 21:30:41 PDT 2008
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    Though the Walnut Festival meant a lot of traffic, noise and distraction in 
    the park, Yellow Warblers, Wilson's Warblers and at least one Pacific-slope 
    Flycatcher were seen by me or Fred Safier during the last week.  I even had 
    a couple of female Northern Shovelers Tuesday morning.  Friday morning I 
    even saw a river otter in the large natural pond.
    I have been watching the Killdeer in the mornings on the north ball fields. 
    I have counts of 15, 16 and 18, but Saturday I had 25.  Yesterday I heard, 
    then saw, the escaped Cockatiel my wife, Rosita, and I had had described to 
    us earlier in the week.  Fred Safier and Rosita also saw at least one 
    White-crowned Sparrow.  I made up for that by seeing an adult in our patio 
    yesterday morning after church.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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