[EBB Sightings] Prairie Falcon at Coyote Hills

[EBB Sightings] Prairie Falcon at Coyote Hills

Mon Sep 29 19:01:14 PDT 2008
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    I saw Stephanie's PRFA today at 4:50 on the power tower thing at Paseo
    Padre and Kaiser. Just as I was wondering what made it a Prairie
    Falcon instead of a version of  Peregrine, it flew and showed me its
    axillaries. I then went into the park for a while. On the way out,
    along the entrance road, a Peregrine flew by for comparison, followed
    closely by a pair of Red-tails.  Nearby were a pair of Red-shouldered
    Hawks. Hawkish place.
    Karen Peterson
    PS When I left, a Red-tail had taken over the spot on the tower at
    Kaiser and Paseo Padre.

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