[EBB Sightings] Mission Peak / Rock Wrens & more

[EBB Sightings] Mission Peak / Rock Wrens & more

Ron Wolf
Mon Jun 30 00:05:52 PDT 2008
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    I made the hike up Mission Peak in Fremont Sunday
    afternoon, more for the exercise than the birds.
    I was pleasantly surprised, however to find a
    family of Rock Wrens foraging on the east side
    of the trail about 200-250 yards below the peak.
    Two adults and two juveniles were hunting amid the
    rocks in loose group for more than an hour.
    Other birds of note:
    -- Two Hooded Orioles were foraging in the field
    immediately adjacent to the parking lot at the
    end of Stanford Ave. They flew repeatedly to a
    the largest palm tree in a private yard about 80
    yards north of the parking lot.
    -- Three Rufous-crowned sparrows were singing
    occasionally at widely separated locations along
    the trail to the top.
    -- Lark Sparrows were on the barbed-wire fence about
    two thirds the way to the top. BTW, this area is
    the most reliable place I've found right around the
    bay for Lark Sparrows. Haven't missed there yet.
    -- Also on the fence: Lazuli Bunting and Western
    -- Many Western Bluebirds all along the trail.
    -- Ten Turkey Vultures were roosting on one tree
    right along the trail. It appeared to be a regular
    roosting site for them.
    -- Two fledged Red-shouldered Hawks were in the
    eucalyptus trees about 150 yards east of the parking
    lot, calling incessantly to be fed.
    Pix of the Rock Wrens, Rufous-crowned Sparrows and
    couple of others are at:
    -- Ron Wolf
        Palo Alto / Oakland

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