[EBB Sightings] early morning birding

[EBB Sightings] early morning birding

geraldine j arko
Fri May 16 11:10:13 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline (5/15)
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    I spent an hour early this morning watering the plants and garden in
    the back yard. It was one of the best birding "trips" I've done in a
    long time!
    Just as it was getting light, about 5:15am the Cedar Waxwings took off
    from a tall redwood tree in my neighbors yard. I would say there were
    at least 200 of them. They have been roosting in that tree for two
    months now so I figure there must still be an abundance of food
    Next came the small chipping call from a House Finches nest. Mama bird
    was soon out looking for food.The nesting Mockingbird was busy flying
    back and forth to her babies with yummy insects and moths.The two
    Redtail Hawks who live over in Hillside Park were flying and soon
    perched on their favorite power pole to hunt. I haven't seen any baby
    Redtails yet.
    The Towhees (including one Spotted Towhee) were mooching around the
    bushes and back fence looking for breakfast.Papa Hooded Oriole came
    for a few sips from the hummingbird feeder and got talked to by the
    resident Annas Hummingbird. Soon Mama Hooded Oriolecame for her treat
    and then seem to be busy scrounging for other food. The Blk-headed
    Grosbeaks were very busy at the sunflower seed feeders. Among many
    other birds that I saw was two Red-breasted Nuthatches, a
    NuttallsWoodpecker, Chestnut back Chickadees,Robins, two Starlings,
    and the flock (murder) of Crows flying over. As the sun came up and it
    started to get warm hr Turkey Vultures that live up on King Street
    took to the air. Dozens of American and lesser Goldfinches took
    advantage of  the niger seed and the Mourning Doves scrambled around
    to pick up drooped seeds
    A Black Phobe perched on the birdbath and was soon catching bugs thar
    were flying over the fishpond. A Great Blue Heron dropped down to the
    pond and saw me and very quickly left.
    The day seems to be getting as warm (hot) as yesterday so I came in to
    have a cuppa tea.
    Jerrie Arko
    El Cerrito,

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