[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina

Bob Power
Thu May 15 09:54:11 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina
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    Yellow Warblers were continuing today between the
    parks office and the westernmost big Euc at the end of
    Winton Ave.  At least two, could be as many as four. 1
    female Townsend's Warbler.
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    --- Bob Richmond  wrote:
    > Seen today - 
    > White-faced Ibis - 2 flying south over the Radio
    > Tower Hills.
    > Wandering Tattler - 2 seen at the San Leandro
    > Marina.
    > Red Phalarope - 3 seen in Frank's Dump West.
    > Swainson's Thrush - 1 in the Sulfur Creek willows
    > (near wher Sulfur Creek goes under thr Railroad
    > tracks).
    > Nashville Warbler - 1 seen in the trees across
    > Winton Ave. from the Park Office.
    > Western Tanager - 1 in the coyote bush and fennell
    > along the base of Mt. Trashmore on the north side.
    > Black-headed Grosebeak - 2, 1 at Winton Ave., 1 seen
    > in the eucalyptus trees along the east side of
    > Skywest Golf Course.
    > Hooded Oriole - 2, male and female in the trees
    > along Frank's Dump East.
    > Bullock's Oriole - 1 non-adult male in the trees
    > along Frank's Dump East.
    > Good birding
    > Bob
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