[EBB Sightings] addendums

[EBB Sightings] addendums

Phila Rogers
Sun May 04 16:07:26 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] dawn chorus at Jewel Lakes
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Rare sight?

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    Dear Birders:
    Joe Eaton emailed me that the loud, startling calls made by the turkey
    on his early morning roost in the eucalyptus at Jewel Lake is called
    turkey yelping, with different yelps for different reasons.
    Re Debbie Veiss' report from Huckleberry and the cedar waxwings in the
    live oaks is what we also saw Friday morning at Jewel Lake.  I'm used
    to seeing big flocks attracted to berries but I think the prevalence of
    the oak moth caterpillars is a good possibility -- waxwings need their
    protein, too.
    Phila Rogers
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