[EBB Sightings] Grasshopper Sparrows at Bishop Ranch Open Space

[EBB Sightings] Grasshopper Sparrows at Bishop Ranch Open Space

Hugh Harvey
Thu May 29 15:43:08 PDT 2008
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    Thinking it might be too late in the season, Eugenia Larson and I walked to 
    the top of the Grey Fox Trail to look for Grasshopper Sparrows.  We were 
    successful despite the breezy conditions today.
    Starting on Morgan Drive south of the Bollinger Canyon Road and west of 
    I-680, we took the Stream View Trail part way , then walked straight up the 
    Grey Fox Trail until it intersected with the Redtail Hawk Trail.  We turned 
    left and the sparrows were in the first 20 yards or so of this point.  One 
    perched on a mustard and sang for us.
    Altogether, we had 29 species this morning, the other 28 being expected, but 
    nice,  species for the area.  They included Western Bluebirds, an 
    Ash-throated Flycatcher, a Violet-green Swallow, a calling Western 
    Wood-Pewee, an Orange-crowned Warbler and a family of White-breasted 
    Nuthatches which entertained us for several minutes as the kids chattered 
    with Mom and Dad over breakfast.
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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