[EBB Sightings] West Briones on Friday

[EBB Sightings] West Briones on Friday

Hugh Harvey
Fri Apr 18 15:39:19 PDT 2008
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Olive-sided Flycatchers and MacGillivray's Warblers in Tilden
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    Rosita and I visited the west side of Briones Park again today.  We walked 
    from Homestead Valley along the Seaborg Trail, turned left on Briones Crest 
    Trail, then turned left again on Crescent Ridge Trail, eventually returning 
    to the Archery Range.  Some Band-tailed Pigeons were in a Madrone to our 
    north before we turned onto the Seaborg Trail.  The Robin nest we saw being 
    built last week was being defended against some Steller's Jays.  Up on 
    Crescent Ridge Trail we found a warbler flock of Yellow-rumpeds, one 
    Townsend's and a Hermit Warbler.  The same flock included Cedar Waxwings. 
    They all started in a large oak which was only about halfway leafed out, 
    perhaps the buds attracted the Waxwings.  An Osprey soared past us.  This 
    walk was more than three hours from the parking lot and back.
    At the intersection of Bear Creek Road and Alhambra Valley Road, on the 
    scenic route back to Walnut Creek, we heard and found an Ash-throated 
    Hugh B. Harvey 

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