[EBB Sightings] Clay-colored Sparrow - Update 15

[EBB Sightings] Clay-colored Sparrow - Update 15

Charles Woodrum
Sun Apr 13 20:55:38 PDT 2008
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    Sorry for the late post, was out of town from Thursday PM to late this after
    noon. However, as my wife and I were enjoying a glass of wine on the back
    patio this evening, the CCSP latched himself onto the back-yard feeder and
    proceeded to toss out seeds until he found those to his liking.  The
    white-crowns below the feeder seemed to encourage this behavior.  Look for
    pictures at Flickr tomorrow.
    PS.  Spent the weekend up in Cedarville and Eagleville where raptors abound.
    I spotted Golden and Bald Eagles of various ages, Broad-winged (dark morph),
    Swainson's and Ferruginous Hawks as well as Red-Tails, Northern Harriers,
    Prairie Falcons and numerous other birds besides raptors...including
    Sandhill Cranes, Mountain Bluebirds and Black-billed Magpies.
    Chuck Woodrum
    Fremont, 94539

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