[EBB Sightings] (EBB) Black Scoter

[EBB Sightings] (EBB) Black Scoter

Ann Ruffer
Thu Apr 03 09:52:22 PDT 2008
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    The fourth time is a charm.
    This morning I returned to Barbara & Jay Vincent Park in Richmond around 8:30; almost high tide. (Take Marina Parkway/23rd Ave. off 580, turning left at the light.  Follow it all the way to the end, passing Shimada Friendship Park). With a gray sky, virtually no wind and an almost glassy water surface, the viewing was ideal and I was able to spot the Black Scoter male.  He was feeding close to the riprap lining the bank in front of the buildings just to the north of L.M. Edwards Park.  I was able to observe him off and on for about 45 minutes.
    Alas, I was not so fortunate with the Long-tailed Duck.
    Also seen were the usual suspects, plus a nice mixed flock of Western Sandpipers and Dunlin with a few Sanderlings mixed in.  A few Caspian Terns were on the shore of Brooks Island.
    Ann Ruffer, Oakland
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