[EBB Sightings] final fond look
[EBB Sightings] final fond look
Phila Rogers
Mon Apr 21 10:45:20 PDT 2008
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Dear Birders:
Yesterday I visited Lake Merritt walking in the cold wind between the
feeding area and the east end of the lake.
A few winter birds remain, mostly scaups and Ruddy Ducks with heads
tucked under their wings (they seem to do more napping than any other
species on the lake). Grebes were represented by a number of both
Clarks and Western Grebes whose only visible concession to the breeding
season seems to be some filling out of their black crowns. In the
distance I saw an Eared Grebe -- who really put on a plumage show --
and a few Pied-bill Grebes who are the only local breeders among the
Double-crested Cormorants flew in and out of the remaining trees on the
islands but I saw no Great Egrets. Last year the best rookery show
close-by was in the tall bluegums adjacent to the EBMUD buildings near
San Pablo Lake.
When I next visit Lake Merritt in a couple of weeks, the winter water
birds will be gone leaving the lake mostly to gulls, mallards, Canada
Geese, and a few hunting terns.
Phila Rogers
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