[EBB Sightings] Western Field Ornithologists' meeting: San Mateo, CA, October 9-12
[EBB Sightings] Western Field Ornithologists' meeting: San Mateo, CA, October 9-12
Dave Quady
Fri Mar 21 12:07:13 PDT 2008
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Bay Area Birders (with apologies for cross-posting):
Western Field Ornithologists is now soliciting papers for
presentation at its 33rd Annual Meeting, to be held in San Mateo,
California on October 9-12.
Papers should deal with birds in western North America; acceptable
subjects include status and distribution, ecology and behavior, field
identification, conservation, and techniques for field study, among
other topics. Whatever the subject, your material should be pitched
at a level that's understandable to serious amateurs and professional
field ornithologists alike. Presentations will last 15 minutes,
including time for interaction with the audience -- a hallmark of WFO
meetings. If you are interested in making a presentation, contact
Jay Withgott, withgott at comcast.net, or Debbie Van Dooremolen,
Debbie.VanDooremolen at snwa.com, for more information.
If you are not already a member, WFO is an organization well worth
joining. Visit its website, http://www.wfo-cbrc.org/ There you can
join WFO; learn more about its fine quarterly journal, Western Birds;
find out how to order its recent book-length publications, Rare Birds
of California, and California Bird Species of Special Concern;
download the Call for Papers for the Annual Meeting; and reserve your
lodging for the meeting.
Dave Quady
Berkeley, California
davequady at att.net
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