[EBB Sightings] Lewis's WP & Glaucous Gull - Livermore ALA

[EBB Sightings] Lewis's WP & Glaucous Gull - Livermore ALA

Thu Mar 06 22:35:57 PST 2008
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    This afternoon (3/6/08) I saw a LEWIS'S  WOODPECKER on Mines Rd. in the same 
    area that Bob Power had one earlier this  week.  The bird was flycatching from 
    the top of a telephone pole on the  east shoulder of the road.
    I also had a first cycle GLAUCOUS GULL at  Frick Lake on Laughlin Rd.  The 
    bird was first reported to the Birdbox on  2/28, and this was my fourth attempt 
    to refind it.  Be aware that there is  at least one very bleached/faded 
    Glaucous-winged Gull also hanging around there,  but the bill pattern of the GLGU is 
    diagnostic.  Also, the gulls are not  reliable here - sometimes there are 
    several hundred (like today), and at other  times there are zero.
    The Saddleback Pond at Dalton & Ames contained  a pair of Blue-winged Teal 
    and a Wilson's Snipe, and I flushed a pair of  Ring-necked Pheasants as I walked 
    up to the fence around the pond.
    Good  birding,
    Kathy Robertson
    Hayward, CA
    In a message dated 3/4/2008  8:31:56 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
    rcpower at sbcglobal.net writes:
    This  morning, I had a Lewis's Woodpecker at the 4.3
    mile mark heading south on  Mines Rd.  
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