[EBB Sightings] Surfbirds in Pinole

[EBB Sightings] Surfbirds in Pinole

Sat Mar 29 22:29:45 PDT 2008
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    This didn't post on Wed, so I don't know if they are still there, but...
    I found the Surfbirds reported earlier at San Pablo Shoreline Park at the end of Tennent Drive at about 6 PM on Wed evening. They were lounging with some Black Turnstones on the rip rap just off the point. Their alternate plumage was very clear.  Western Sandpipers, Sanderlings, Whimbrels, Willets, 1 lone Semipalmated Sandpiper, and several Dunlins  going into alternate plumage, and several Black-bellied Plovers were also around.  The point had about 50 gulls, all Ring-billed and Cal, though I tried to make more of them.  But 17 Forester's Terns were joined by 2 Caspian Terns to add to the mix.  Six Barn Swallows were working the channel, right above the bridge.
    Ducks were not under-represented: Gadwall, Widgeon, Scaup, and Mallards were present.  There were also Western and Pied-Billed Grebes.
    There were many more shorebirds to the north, but it was getting dark and windy.  Other than the funky odor from the sewage treatment plant, it's a cool place to bird.  
    Pat Bacchetti

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