[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills highlights

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills highlights

Bruce Mast
Sat Feb 09 18:22:21 PST 2008
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    I went back to Coyote Hills this morning in search of the ROCK WREN. This
    time it eventually made an appearance at the very top of the rocks
    overlooking the quarry, just as I was about to leave. While I was waiting, I
    scoped the ponds below and found a COMMON MOORHEN in the pond across from
    the Quarry parking lot.
    Great look at a Sharp-shinned Hawk, perched maybe 30 feet away, a male
    judging by the size. While I was scoping, I heard a thin sqeaking noise just
    behind me. I turned to find that a Great Egret had caught a small rodent not
    more than 50 feet away. It took a minute to reposition the rodent to slide
    head first down the hatch. I don't think rodent enjoyed the ride.
    While strolling around the pond to the east of the Meadowlark Trail, a pair
    of HOODED MERGANSERS flew in.
    Caught a distant look at a large falcon flying directly away. Who knows?
    Bruce Mast

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