[EBB Sightings] Fremont Common Mergansers / Herring Gull

[EBB Sightings] Fremont Common Mergansers / Herring Gull

Bob Power
Tue Feb 05 17:31:11 PST 2008
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    Hi all:
    A break in the day had me wishing for a Plumbeous
    Vireo at Lakeview/Gateway in Fremont.  No such luck,
    but it's nice to dream. I did pish in a male and
    female COMMON MERGANSER into the little channel that
    runs parallel to Lakeview behind the office buildings.
     Well... they came in while I was pishing at some
    chickadees, so as far as I'm concerned, I pished in
    some mergansers.
    I drove around the back side of the buildings that
    face the bay trail on the west side of Fremont Blvd
    south of Gateway.  There's a landfill operation that I
    was unaware of about a mile away, and some of the
    gulls use a little channel back here to bathe and some
    use the roofs of the buildings to dry off. An
    interesting alternate gull site to San Leandro's
    landfill.  There were hundreds in the air between
    Fremont/Gateway and the landfill to the west. An adult
    HERRING GULL stared down from one rooftop. I'll be
    back when I have more time, but I get the sense that a
    walk along the bay trail in this area would be
    gull-productive.  The channel itself had 150 or so
    huddled Long-billed Dowitchers, so may be a nice
    little shorebird spot in another month or so.  Or may
    be  a nice little shorebird spot right now.....
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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