[EBB Sightings] parsing rails, Arrowhead on Sunday, Briones on Saturday

[EBB Sightings] parsing rails, Arrowhead on Sunday, Briones on Saturday

Sun Jan 13 23:12:27 PST 2008
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    I was out at Arrowhead this afternoon with Sarah Hawley, and we saw
    rails (hooray!) but weren't quite sure whether they were Clapper Rails
    or Virginia Rails.  The pictures in the Sibley and Audubon guides
    seemed quite different.  The ones we saw didn't seem to have the
    grey/blue faces of the Virginia, but their weren't exactly rufous
    either.  The bills seemed strikingly orange, but that doesn't seem to
    be listed as a diagnostic feature in either guide.  Any surefire ways
    to tell these two apart?
    Two kind folks with a scope also pointed out a very odd Green-winged
    Teal in a small flock of conventional Green-winged Teal.  It looked
    mostly like a female, but it had a large dark band on its head just
    like a male, except darker brown rather than green.  A juvenile,
    perhaps?  The guides were unhelpful.  Other than that a pretty usual
    assemblage out there, plus an Eared Grebe and a Greater Yellowlegs,
    which were our ID achievements of the day (we're both still learning).
    I was also out in Briones on Saturday, where I saw Red-breasted
    Sapsuckers, Acorn Woodpeckers, White-breasted Nuthatches,
    Chestnut-backed Chickadees, and Western Bluebirds, House Finches, and
    Yellow-rumped Warblers, all of which are pretty standard for the oak
    savannah, I guess, but they made for a very colorful afternoon!

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