[EBB Sightings] Short-eared Owl and other goodies

[EBB Sightings] Short-eared Owl and other goodies

Bruce Mast
Fri Jan 11 19:30:25 PST 2008
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    I started the day off at Garretson Point but came up empty on the
    Blue-winged Teal.
    The day got much more interesting at Arrowhead Marsh, where I ran into Chris
    Harbard. He was kind enough to point me to a SHORT-EARED OWL on the ground
    out in the marsh beyond the boardwalk. I was so tickled, I took him over to
    where the BURROWING OWL has been reported recently and he picked it out
    pretty quickly. We also noted a couple PEREGRINE FALCONS in the area.
    Up to that point, I had pretty much let Chris do all the work but I was able
    to pick out a first-winter THAYER'S GULL in the flock in the first pond and
    we eventually found 2 more, along with Mew Gulls and the usual suspects.
    The 2 of us then moved south to Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, where we
    scoped the gull flocks at the Davis Street Transfer Station, hoping for Bob
    Richmond's Glaucous Gull. No luck there but we did find a TRI-COLORED
    BLACKBIRD among the throngs of Starlings and Red-winged Blackbirds.
    At San Leandro Marina, a Black Turnstone flock loafing with the Willets also
    included a couple RUDDY TURNSTONES. No sign of a Tattler or White-winged
    Scoter. Chris and I parted ways at that point.
    At Winton Avenue, I came up empty on the Tropical Kingbird but got away with
    my windows intact. My consolation prize was White-throated Swifts overhead
    and a White-tailed Kite.
    Back at Garretson Point, still no Blue-winged Teal.
    At Estuary Park, I missed the Palm Warbler (again) but located the
    RED-THROATED LOON and a Spotted Sandpiper.
    Bird on,
    Bruce Mast

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