[EBB Sightings] Alameda County Jan. 7

[EBB Sightings] Alameda County Jan. 7

Bob Dunn
Tue Jan 08 10:39:21 PST 2008
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    On Monday, January 7, I birded around Alameda County again to add to my year list.  I started out in Livermore . On North Livermore Rd I refound the Ferruginous Hawk pretty much where it was previously reported, in the trees at a house just south of May School Road (not the corner house but the next one south of it).  I then made a quick run to the lower portion of Mines Road and Patterson Pass Roads.  Just the usual sepects there with lots of Loggerhead Shrikes, Say's Pheobes and Lark Sparrows at the latter place.  I then went on to Kelso Road to look for the previously report Tricolored Blackbirds.  I was able to find a big flock of blackbirds at a farm 1.1 miles west of Mountain House Road, the one with the big mature pile with the white tarp and tires thrown on it, that had about a dozen Tricolores in it.  And then I drove to Estuary Park in Oakland where, after walking around for two hours, I was able to refind the Palm Warbler in pretty much the same place where it was reported earlier, behind the D'Anna Boat place.  Again it was with Townsend's and Yellow-rumped Warblers. There where also a C-b. Chickadee, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and two Red-b. Nuthatches present.
    Bob Dunn
    San Leandro
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