[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt sightings 1/29

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt sightings 1/29

Wed Jan 30 09:58:36 PST 2008
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    The male Tufted Duck, female Redhead, and male Ring-necked Duck were in the 
    feeding area near Lake Merritt's nature center on Tues. 1/29.   Alice Hoch's 
    birding class had great looks at them there and had studied the Tufted Duck 
    earlier when it was "near" the shore about 1/3 of the way between between the 
    islands and the southeast end of the lake.   The pair of Common Merganzers we saw 
    were near the islands. Other birds of note included a Townsend's Warbler in 
    the garden and 2 hen turkeys which stopped traffic on Bellevue as they stood in 
    the middle of the road near the nature center. 
    The following behaviors were noted. A few of the Western Grebes were doing 
    courtship displays.   Two of the Ring-billed Gulls were stamping the damp lawn 
    with both feet.   This is a behavior we have seen them exhibit near the 
    southeast end of the lake many times. I assume it is a hunting technique, but 
    yesterday someone joked that they were just trying to keep warm.   We also enjoyed 
    comparing the different mussel-eating techniques of the Greater Scaup vs. the 
    Alice Hoch
    Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
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