[EBB Sightings] Mt. Diablo Rock Wrens, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Sage Sparrow, Calif. Thrasher, Band-tailed Pigeons

[EBB Sightings] Mt. Diablo Rock Wrens, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Sage Sparrow, Calif. Thrasher, Band-tailed Pigeons

Sun Jan 20 22:12:14 PST 2008
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    Today,Jan. 20th, Denise Wight and I spotted the following highlights on
    Mt. Diablo starting at North Gate Road:
    4 Brown-headed Cowbirds (amongst a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds) at the
    last horse stable on the left (east)before the Mt. Diablo entrance
    .2 miles past the first ranch on the right: Red-breasted Sapsucker
    Loggerhead Shrike, and Say's Phoebe(heard only) and later in the day, a
    hybrid Red-naped X Red-breasted Sapsucker (see earlier post for details
    and please excuse my calling it a Red-bellied once by mistake),
    On Summit Road in the chaparral, we spotted a Sage Sparrow and a Calif.
    On the way back down North Gate Road, we stopped at several rock outcrops
    and finally spotted a Rock Wren. At other stops along the road, we spotted
    a flock of Band-tailed Pigeons flying overhead, plus White-breasted
    Nuthatches, flickers, Nutall's and Acorn woodpeckers amongst the usual
    At Newhall community park, we looked for an unusual sapsucker
    (Yellow-bellied) but settled for a Downy Woodpecker.
    We spent about 2 hours at Mitchell Canyon but saw nothing unusual--our
    favorite new bird for the end of the day was a Hutton's Vireo. We also
    spotted a Wrentit without any visbile white iris.
    --Ted R.--

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