[EBB Sightings] YELLOW RAIL, Arrowhead Marsh; LONG-TAILED DUCK, Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] YELLOW RAIL, Arrowhead Marsh; LONG-TAILED DUCK, Lake Merritt

Bob Power
Sun Jan 20 13:54:27 PST 2008
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    Hi all,
    I met Bruce Mast at dawn at Arrowhead Marsh to do some
    high-tide rail scouting. Our Palo Alto Adult School
    birding class joined us at 8:15 to hear my "Clappers
    and nothing else" report.  Shortly thereafter, Chris
    Harbard called out a SORA adjacent to the walkway that
    leads to the walkway that extends into the marsh and
    had a patch of marsh with hidden Virginia Rails. A
    half hour of Clapper viewing was good, but quiet. Our
    entire class was spread out on the walkway looking for
    anything that moved.  John Dunec, alerted me to an "I
    think I've got something" and I hustled to his scope. 
    Swimming slowly behind the barest hint of cover was a
    small rail with a short yellowish bill, extensive
    yellow-orange in the face and nape and extensive
    yellow streaking down the back --YELLOW RAIL--. I
    looked for three seconds, took a deep breath, turned
    to the walkway where Bruce and Chris had the Virginia
    Rail and Sora staked out, and screamed
    "Brrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce!" I thought it
    was 1984 all over again and Born in the USA had just
    been released.
    Emily Serkin was on the bird shortly thereafter, Bruce
    and Chris got on the bird. Rusty Scalf, Dolores Butkus
    and Rusty's Albany Adult School Class joined the
    throng.  I think somewhere between 35 and 40 of us
    got, for a yellow rail, exquisite extended views of
    this bird.  
    After half an hour of staring at the yellow rail, we
    retired to Lake Merritt for the 2nd half of the class
    to study Scaup and Goldeneye.... normally a noble and
    enlightening pursuit, but today a bit anti-climactic. 
    No sooner had we started scanning the ducks for
    Barrow's Goldeneyes, than a male LONG-TAILED DUCK
    popped up foraging around the long skinny floats on
    the west side of the islands opposite the nature
    center.  The male TUFTED DUCK put in an up close
    appearance as well.
    Pictures of the Yellow Rail and the Long-tailed Duck
    are posted at:
    http://flickr.com/photos/14935921 at N00/
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA

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