[EBB Sightings] Great-tailed Grackle

[EBB Sightings] Great-tailed Grackle

Steve Huckabone
Sat Jan 19 17:39:52 PST 2008
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    Today my spouse and I headed for Berkeley Aquatic Park at first light and
    where rewarded with 6 Red-breasted Merganser in the north pond at the north
    end. However after about 2 hours we gave up on the Northern Waterthrush and
    were happy to depart the area.
    Next to Estuary Park and easily located the Palm Warbler and Townsend's
    Warbler and also got the bonus bird Red-breasted Nuthatch. All were in the
    pine trees on the estuary side of the yacht sales building. 
    On to Lake Merritt where we enjoyed seeing several Barrow's Goldeneye at
    close range where the tide enters the lake. We next found the Tufted Duck in
    the lake by the Nature Center. The bird was in a large mixed flock of Scaup
    and was so close that we could reach down and touch it! No bins required.
    We dipped on the Tropical Kingbird at HRS on Winton Ave, so we decided to
    drive through the industrial area from Winton going south. We cruised into
    the back area of all the buildings and were rewarded with Great-tailed
    Grackle. This location was at Cabot and Kidder behind a building marked
    Pearson Sales.
    Ending our day at Coyote Hill's RP looking for the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. It
    took some time but we finally heard the bird then saw it foraging in the
    brush along Quarry Trail as previously reported.
    Steve Huckabone
    Alameda County
    Livermore California

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