[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh/Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh/Hayward Shoreline

Laura Look
Sat Dec 22 20:11:00 PST 2007
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    This morning's (Sat., Dec. 22) windless high tide at Arrowhead Marsh 
    produced at least 4 Clapper Rails, 2 VIRGINIA RAILS, and 1 
    Sora.  Marsh Wrens were popping out of the reeds like popcorn.
    We then visited Hayward Regional Shoreline from the end of W. Winton 
    Ave.  We saw the TROPICAL KINGBIRD almost immediately on the fence 
    and wires near the maintenance yard near the flood control 
    channel.  The bird was last seen flying south along the channel.
    We then walked westward along the north side of the flood control 
    channel.  About halfway along the landfill to the north, we saw a 
    flock of about 30 Horned Larks, which included the LAPLAND 
    LONGSPUR.  This flock was seen again later in the southwest corner of 
    this landfill, very visible and accessible.  Also in the area were 5 
    American Pipits.
    After seeing a couple hundred Canada Geese, we finally found the 
    flock with the weird geese to the north, just south of Frank's 
    Dump.  It included 5 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, 5 ROSS'S GEESE, 1 
    SNOW GOOSE, and at least 10 Aleutian CACKLING GEESE.
    As the tide went out, the shorebirds returned to the mudflats north 
    of Hayward Landing, including about 30 RED KNOTS.  An Osprey flew by 
    along the shoreline.
    We swung by the Oakland Estuary Park on the way home, but were unable 
    to locate the Palm Warbler.  A White-throated Swift was a nice 
    consolation prize.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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