[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck at Lake Merritt, Oakland

[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck at Lake Merritt, Oakland

Bruce Mast
Wed Dec 19 10:09:38 PST 2007
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    I had to take a sick day from work today so I had the occasion to take a
    leisurely walk down to Lake Merritt after this afternoon's rain. My first
    pass by the duck area turned up nothing unusual but on the way back, just
    before sundown, I noticed the male Tufted Duck at the edge of the scaup
    flock near the Embarcadero. He hung close to the floating divider that
    surrounds the fountain area, staying on the deepwater side. 
    He and the scaups were all resting with their heads tucked back but he stood
    out in the flock due to his solid black back, contrasting with a neat white
    rectangular flank. Unlike a Ring-necked Duck (which I had just been admiring
    over in the duck feeding area), he lacked the white spur in front of the
    folded wing. His tuft was relaxed the whole time but I was able to make out
    shaggy feathering on the back of his head, unlike the glossy smooth heads of
    the scaup.
    No luck locating a Northern Waterthrush at Children's Fairyland.
    Bruce Mast
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