[EBB Sightings] Yesterday at San Leandro Reservoir

[EBB Sightings] Yesterday at San Leandro Reservoir

Jim Tietz
Sun Dec 09 06:55:05 PST 2007
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    Yesterday I went birding at the Upper San Leandro Reservoir.  I
    started at the Valle Vista staging area off Canyon Rd which heads
    south out of Moraga.  The highlight of the walk was the male-female
    pair of Hooded Mergansers, which were in the creek that flows south
    into the very low reservoir.  I was disappointed to not find the
    Loggerhead Shrike that usually winters above the horse stables.
    Good birding,
    Location:     Upper San Leandro Reservoir
    Observation date:     12/8/07
    Number of species:     57
    Canada Goose     29
    Mallard     4
    Hooded Merganser     2
    California Quail     4
    Turkey Vulture     8
    White-tailed Kite     1
    Cooper's Hawk     1
    Red-shouldered Hawk     1
    Red-tailed Hawk     3
    American Kestrel     3
    Band-tailed Pigeon     1
    Mourning Dove     1
    Anna's Hummingbird     8
    Belted Kingfisher     1
    Red-breasted Sapsucker     2
    Nuttall's Woodpecker     5
    Downy Woodpecker     2
    Hairy Woodpecker     1
    Northern Flicker     9
    Black Phoebe     5
    Hutton's Vireo     4
    Steller's Jay     4
    Western Scrub-Jay     27
    Common Raven     2
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     22
    Oak Titmouse     14
    Bushtit     32
    Red-breasted Nuthatch     2
    Brown Creeper     2
    Bewick's Wren     16
    Winter Wren     1
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet     31
    Western Bluebird     13
    Hermit Thrush     12
    American Robin     129
    Varied Thrush     1
    Wrentit     12
    California Thrasher     3
    European Starling     30
    Cedar Waxwing     7
    Audubon's Warbler     1
    Myrtle Warbler     9
    Townsend's Warbler     2
    Spotted Towhee     41
    California Towhee     20
    Fox Sparrow     18
    Song Sparrow     20
    Lincoln's Sparrow     10
    White-crowned Sparrow     15
    Golden-crowned Sparrow     62
    Dark-eyed Junco     49
    Western Meadowlark     13
    Purple Finch     14
    House Finch     16
    Pine Siskin     3
    Lesser Goldfinch     13
    American Goldfinch     16
    This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)
    James R. Tietz
    Shaver Lake, CA
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