[EBB Sightings] Oiled bird survey from a kayak, Oakland airport, Shoreline Park (Bay Farm Island)

[EBB Sightings] Oiled bird survey from a kayak, Oakland airport, Shoreline Park (Bay Farm Island)

Akira S
Sat Nov 10 20:30:07 PST 2007
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    Hi all,
    Today I went out in my kayak and spent several hours surveying the
    area north of San Leandro marina, specifically the shoreline along the
    Oakland airport runway, and then further around the Bay Farm Island
    into the Shoreline Park.
    My main target was the shore along the Oakland airport runway,
    figuring that land-based birders might have a difficult time obtaining
    permission for access, whereas I could at least eyeball the area from
    the water through bins. (Even then, I had to stay out of the 150 yard
    security zone marked with buoys. So if anyone could obtain permission
    to get closer or to walk the shore, that would be ideal.)
    Long story short, after much paddling and scrutinizing the shores, I
    only saw one beached, obviously distressed bird, a Horned Grebe, in
    the shoreline park portion of the Bay Farm Island. (It seemed to be
    standing in the shallow water, not exactly "beached." But being a
    grebe probably that's as far as it could ground itself. )
    Actually I didn't find the bird; two land-based birders (I failed to
    ask their names, sorry) had been observing it when I paddled along to
    chat. They said they had been repeatedly trying to reach OWCN to
    report this bird with no luck. (Also, this may be the same bird that
    Rusty Scalf had mentioned seeing earlier this morning.)
    Lacking special training or equipments, there was nothing we could do
    but to watch. Sad. I may follow Pat Bacchetti's suggestion and look
    into getting certified, etc., after this is all over.
    One thing I forgot today was to take photographs for documentation, as
    some has suggested. I even had my camera with me for that purpose but
    totally forgot.
    Another thing I learned was, as others have mentioned, it is very
    difficult to judge whether a bird is oiled or not. In fact, observing
    from a constantly moving kayak via binoculars, I had little hope of
    making any detailed observations. So I just focused on looking for
    beached birds, and basically ignored the swimming ones. (I doubt that
    OWCN could catch the swimming ones anyway.)
    Although I only saw one beached bird today, my fear is that still
    swimming but oiled birds (noted by other birders) will start to turn
    up on shores in the coming days, as their conditions deteriorate. I
    hope everyone will be out keep checking the beaches and shores for
    Good birding,
    PS. I'm sure the other birders called in or emailed in the grebe
    already. But if anyone would like to try to refind this particular
    bird (and perhaps report with a new location and updated conditions?),
    here is a map, along with a GPS trace from my paddle:

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