[EBB Sightings] Birds at Lake Merritt - most in good condition

[EBB Sightings] Birds at Lake Merritt - most in good condition

Denise Wight
Sat Nov 10 16:10:40 PST 2007
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    Hi E.B. Birders,
    A bird survey of Lake Merritt turned up a small number
    of gulls with smudges on their breast, belly, and
    face, which included a few dozen Ring-billed Gulls,
    one Western Gull and one Glaucous-winged Gull.? One
    adult California Gull on a nearby building had
    entirely oiled underparts, but was still able to fly. 
    The worst sighting, which I reported, was a female
    Ruddy Duck, heavily oiled, and looking for a haul out
    spot near the Rotary Science Center.? 
    We estimated about 900 scaup, which looked in good
    condition.? Each male we watched preen showed a nice
    white under part when he turned on his side.? I looked
    closely at brown feathering at the sides of many
    birds, but these look good, not oiled.? Other diving
    ducks looked clean, too.? Cormorants, terns, and
    pelicans also looked clean.? 
    We checked out the connecting channel near Laney
    college, walking as far as the 880 overpass. The only
    questionable bird was a Pelagic Cormorant on the
    water. I just couldn't tell if it was water logged or
    oiled, but it didn't look in distress.? Great to see
    the orange booms across the channel, just west of 7th
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA
    P.S. I stopped by Point Emery about noon.? There were
    bird rescue workers here, but they were unable to
    reach heavily oiled bird on the small rocks, at the
    end of the point.? Broke my heart.? Many of the
    foraging shorebirds showed some smudging on their
    breasts.? Two Surfbirds flew in, one of which was well
    oiled on the breast and belly. 

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