[EBB Sightings] Mystery aythya-type duck at Lake Merritt, Oakland (Alameda Co)

[EBB Sightings] Mystery aythya-type duck at Lake Merritt, Oakland (Alameda Co)

Glen Tepke
Tue Nov 27 00:24:45 PST 2007
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    	<474B9BC8.80906 at powersedit.com>
    Wow, that is a strange looking bird.  Here is another photo of female 
    Common Pochard (Eurasian species, rare in Alaska, super-rare in 
    California) with somewhat similar plumage (most are duller gray-brown 
    than this):
    However, note that the Pochard has a sloped forehead and bill, almost 
    like a Canvasback, but your bird looks like it has a very steep 
    forehead.  Also, female Common Pochard in winter does have a light ring 
    around the bill, but it is not supposed to be so narrow and sharply 
    defined as your bird's.
    As you know, Lake Merritt is home to all sorts of released exotics and 
    domestic variants, so caution is in order, though if the bird is 
    associating with migratory scaup and has returned on its own for the 
    second year, that provides some circumstantial evidence for wild origin.
    So, in conclusion . . . beats me, but thanks for posting.  Looking 
    forward to seeing what others think.
    Glen Tepke
    Hilary Powers wrote:
    > Stephanie Floyd wrote:
    >> Hilary Powers and I birded Lake Merritt in Oakland
    >> (Alameda County) this afternoon in search of the
    >> tufted duck and the hooded merganser x common
    >> goldeneye.  Didn't find those, but did find an unusual
    >> red-headed aythya-type duck on the lake just behind
    >> the Nature Center. It might be a female redhead, but
    >> the back looks more gray than brown....
    > This is quite possibly the same bird that I saw last year, and the
    > female redhead in Sibley was the closest thing as far as I could tell,
    > though others held out for a female ring-necked duck. I'm new enough to
    > birding never to have heard of a pochard, common or otherwise, the
    > red-crested pochard on Sibley's "Exotic Waterfowl" page having made no
    > impression at all. But one of the pictures Stephanie found online looks
    > so much like the bird at the lake, it's tempting to think it might be a
    > match:
    > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Aythya_ferina_02.jpg/798px-Aythya_ferina_02.jpg 
    > Any ideas?

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