[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline 11/25

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline 11/25

Bob Richmond
Sun Nov 25 19:01:44 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Snow Goose at Hayward Shoreline
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    Seen at the Hayward Shoreline today -
    Red-necked Grebe - 1 seen in flight over the bay from west of Mt. Trashmore
       until it disapeared south of Johnson's Landing. It appeared to be heading
       to either Hayward Marsh or the HARD Marsh.
    Greater White-fronted Goose - 3 on Mt. Trashmore.
    Snow Goose - 1 on Mt. Trashmore, then flew to the Radio Tower Hills, then 
       flew back to Mt. Trashmore.
    Ross Goose - 5 on Mt. Trashmore.
    Cackling Goose - 6
    Eurasian Wigeon - 1 male at the mouth of Bockman Channel.
    Redhead - 1 female in the City of Hayward Ponds.
    Osprey - 3 is the most I have seen here in a day.
       Merlin - 2, this has been a very good year for Merlin so far.
       Peregrine Falcon - at least 2.
    Marbled Godwit - the one with the white head and neck was in Frank's
       Dump West at high tide.
    Surfbird - 8 in Frank's Dump West at high tide.
    Red Knot - an estimated 600-700 were in Frank's Dump West at high tide.
    Short-eared Owl - 1 was on the fence on the east side of Cogswell Marsh.
    Tropical Kingbird - 1. It was on some power lines (also in trees or on 
       fences) east of the area near the end of Winton Ave., before you enter 
       the EDRPD parking area and where a channel goes under the road. This is
       the same bird that Peter had in this area several weeks ago.
    Good Birding

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