[EBB Sightings] A third White-throated Sparrow in the yard??

[EBB Sightings] A third White-throated Sparrow in the yard??

Douglas Vaughan
Fri Nov 23 09:20:21 PST 2007
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    Our small N. Berkeley yard has hosted a wintering White-throated 
    Sparrow (and last year, two) for all but one of the last several years. 
    This year, our first appeared on 27 Oct and a second this past Monday, 
    19 Nov. Yesterday, we had an apparent THIRD. We did not see all three 
    simultaneously, but we did have two white-striped birds together, as 
    well as one of the white-striped birds in company with the tan-striped 
    (maybe first-year) individual that has been present for a month.
    The tan-striped bird is quite dingy, the tan supercilium appearing 
    dusky and obscure immediately behind the yellow supraloral spot, and 
    the white throat is strongly and fully partitioned by dark lateral 
    stripes. I can't see confusing it with either of the other two birds.
    To make all this seem a little less improbable, I wonder if these birds 
    have a kind of specific affinity, attracting others of their kind to a 
    reliable food source. Or maybe just staying together after moving south 
    in small flocks from their breeding grounds. Notwithstanding the fact 
    that they are usually reported as lone individuals around here.
    Doug Vaughan

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