[EBB Sightings] STILT SANDPIPER by Marshlands Road, Don Edwards NWR

[EBB Sightings] STILT SANDPIPER by Marshlands Road, Don Edwards NWR

Stephanie Floyd
Wed Oct 17 17:32:41 PDT 2007
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    This afternoon at 4:30 PM I found one STILT SANDPIPER
    feeding alongside a SANDERLING exactly 2.1 miles down
    Marshlands Road from the stop sign at the Visitor
    Center at Don Edwards NWR in Newark.  It looked like
    they were in the midst of a swarm of black insects
    (flies?) All the greater and lesser yellowlegs and
    dowitchers were in the ponds at the entrance; these
    birds were all by themselves out there, except for a
    willet, a California gull, a Western gull, and 2 least
    sandpipers that were closer to the pier.  Note:
    Marshlands Road is posted "No Parking" but not "no
    stopping"; you can stop long enough to look at the
    birds from your car. 
    About an hour earlier, a PEREGRINE FALCON flew
    northwest across the Tidelands Trail towards the
    Dumbarton Bridge.  Other raptors of note: three
    soaring red-tailed hawks, a male kestrel hunting
    insects from telephone wires on the entrance road, an
    immature northern harrier flying along the hillside
    past the kestrel, and a white-tailed kite
    hover-hunting above the slough.
    In the trees - yellow-rumped warblers, an
    orange-crowned warbler, a great many white- and
    golden-crowned sparrows, more than one hermit thrush,
    a downy woopecker, CA towhees, and common
    Ducks of note: shovelers, ruddies, and at least one
    each American wigeon and gadwall.
    Stephanie Floyd
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